Vacuum injection and silicone mold that is the use of the original template, in the vacuum state to make a silicone mold, and in the vacuum state with the product material for pouring, so as to clone the same copy of the original template.
Product materials: ABS, PP, PC, PA, POM, PMMA, soft adhesive, high temperature resistant, fireproof materials and other PU materials.

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Vacuum injection and silicone mold that is the use of the original template, in the vacuum state to make a silicone mold, and in the vacuum state with the product material for pouring, so as to clone the same copy of the original template.


Advantages: Due to the high speed and low cost, the technology greatly reduces the development cost and risk of the product, and also shorens the development cycle; Suitable for medical and automotive equipment medium and small batch production needs, can be made more complex structure, uniform wall thickness, meet the functional requirements of the product.